NanjingUniversity Summit "IntermediaStudiesin Arts"was successfully held online on April 23, 2022. The forum was hostedby the School of Arts,and organized by the art project ofNational Social Science Fund" Transmedia Construction of Art Theory and its IntellectualResearch". More than 70 experts and scholars from manyuniversities and research institutes, including Beijing University,Tsinghua University, China Academy of Art, Southeast University,Shanghai University, Shaanxi Normal University, Hangzhou NormalUniversity , attended the Tencent meeting. More than 1,000 academiccolleagues actively participated in the live-streamed forum.
Partsoftheexperts and scholars who attended the opening ceremony
BasicIssues and Methods in Intermedia ArtStudies
CoreConcepts and Domains in Intermedia ArtStudies
IntermediaNarratives in Art History
IntermediaReconstruction of Art Theory and Criticism
InterdisciplinaryPerspectives in Intermedia Art Studies