Zhou Jiwu

Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor

Basic Information

Jiwu Zhou, PhD in Literature (2005), Professor and PhD supervisor ofSchool of Arts, Deputy Director of the “Artand Society” Special Committee of Art Anthropology Society, memberof the Chinese and Foreign Literary and Art Theory Association,member of Chinese Literary and Art Theory Association, member of theMedia Culture Committee of China University Film and TelevisionAssociation.


西方艺术史论与美学 Western Art History and Theory, Aesthetics


PhD courses

Special Subjects of Art History and Theory (co-teaching with Prof.Manting Yin)

Master courses

Special Subjects of Art Theory and Aesthetics (co-teaching with Prof.Qiang Tong)

Undergraduate courses

Contemporary Culture and Creative Thinking

Western Art History

Reading Classics: The Story of Art

Research Outcomes


Reflection on Modernity of the End of Art, Social SciencesAcademic Press 2011

Disenchantment of Art and Reconstruction of Art Theory, PekingUniversity Press 2019

Document of Chinese Modern Art Theories (compiled with JianLi), SDX Joint Publishing Company 2014

Literature and Identification: Interdisciplinary Reflections(compiled with Xian Zhou), Zhonghua Book Company

The Essential Reader of Western Sociology of Art in the 20thCentury,China Social Sciences Press 2022

Translation: Introduction to Aesthetics: An Analytic Approach(trans. Yuedi Liu, Jiwu Zhou, Fei Wu), Beijing Normal UniversityPublishing Group

Translation: Art and Social Theory: Sociological Arguments inAesthetics (trans. Jiwu Zhou and Xueping Zhou), NanjingUniversity Press 2010

Joint author books: A Study of Contemporary Chinese Visual Culture(2017), A Study of Contemporary Chinese Communication andMedia Culture (2011), Cultural Modernity and AestheticQuestions (2005), etc.

Textbook: contributor of Western Literary and Art Theory,Higher Education Press 2018, in the series of “Key Textbooks of theMarxist Theory Research and Construction Project”

Representative journal articles


















































Research Projects

“Intermedial Construction of Art Theory and Its Science ofKnowledge”, a major project funded by the 2020 National SocialScience Foundation for Arts20ZD26

“Series on the Intermedial Construction of Art Theory”, selectedin the 2021 Development Plan for Publishing Industry during the 14thFive-Year Plan Period

Sub-project: “Discourse Model of Literature and Art Criticism inthe Era of Digital Media” of the major project funded by the 2019National Social Science Foundation for Arts: “Literature and ArtCriticism in the Era of Digital Media” (19ZDA269)

“A Study of the Art Institution Theory from the Perspective ofModernity”, sponsored by the Academic Leaders of the Qing LanProject of JiangSu Province,0115001802),2016-2018completed(Excellent, No.: 201917,July 2019)

“A Study of the Art Institution Theory: from Modernity toPost-modernity”, sponsored by the National Social SciencesFoundation Youth Project (13CZW007),2013-2016completed(Excellent, No.: 20194487 )

“A Study of the Art Institution Theory from the Perspective ofModernity”, sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science ResearchFoundation of the Ministry of Education Youth Project,12YJC760126),2012-2015completed

“Visual Representation and Construction of Avant-garde Art”, asub-project of the major research project of Philosophy and SocialSciences of Ministry of Education: “A Study of the Visual Culturein the Social Transition of Contemporary China”, 2012-2015,completed

“Postmodern Literary Theory”, a sub-project of the major researchproject of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education:“Western Literary Theory”, 2009-2014, completed

“A Study of the Issue of ‘the End of Art’ in the Context ofModernity” sponsored by National Social Science Foundation YouthProject,07CZW006),2007-2011


Young scholars selected in "Chang Jiang Scholars Program"of the Ministry of Education

Journal Article: “Intermediality of Art and IntermedialConstruction of Art Theory” (Jianghai Academic Journal 2020, 2),the Second Prize of the 17th Excellent Outcomes ofPhilosophical and Social Sciences Research in Jiangsu Province (2023)

Book: Disenchantment of Art and Reconstruction of Art Theory,the Second Prize of the 16th Excellent Outcomes ofPhilosophical and Social Sciences Research in Jiangsu Province (2020)

Co-authored book: A Study of Contemporary Chinese Visual Culture(2017), the Second Prize of the 8th Excellent Outcomesof Humanities and Social Science Research of the Ministry ofEducation (2020)

Journal Article: “Contemporary Art and Its Crisis ofInterpretation” (Literature and Art Studies, 2016,11), theThird Prize of the 15th Excellent Outcomes ofPhilosophical and Social Sciences Research in Jiangsu Province(2018), Young Teachers’ Humanities Research Award of NanjingUniversity (2019)

Journal Article: “What is Our Contemporary Art” (Literatureand Art Studies 2013, 3), the Second Prize of the 14thExcellent Outcomes of Philosophical and Social Sciences Research inJiangsu Province (2016)

Journal Article: “The ‘Janus Face’ of Avant-garde Art”(Literature and Art Studies 2015, 3), Third Prize of the 10thExcellent Outcomes of the Social Sciences Research of Jiangsu HigherEducation Institutions (2016)

Book: Reflection on Modernity of the End of Art (SocialSciences Academic Press 2011), Third Prize of the 12thExcellent Outcomes of Philosophical and Social Sciences Research ofJiangsu Province (2012), Young Teachers’ Humanities Research Awardof Nanjing University (2014), First Prize of the 8thExcellent Outcomes of Humanities and Social Sciences Research ofNanjing University (2011)

The Third Level Talents of the “333 Project” of Jiangsu Province(2013)

2016 Academic Leaders of the Qing Lan Project of JiangSu Province,assessment result: Excellent (2019)

First Prize of Nanjing University Bank of China Teaching Scholarship(2010)

“A Treatise on Adorno’s Viewpoints on the End of Art”, SecondPrize of the 6th Nanjing University Excellent Outcomes ofHumanities and Social Sciences Research (2007)