Member in
The Japan Art HistorySociety
Bijutsushi Gakkai美術史学会 2015-present
Association for theStudy of Modern Japanese Art History
Meiji BijutsuGakkai明治美術学会 2015-present
Guest Researcher in
the Center forSustainable Development Studies 2023-present
History of ModernChinese and Japanese Art
Historiography ofChinese Art History
(II)Courses Taught:
Autumn 2023-present
Contemporary Asian Artand Visual Culture
(III)Research Achievements
Aoki Masaru, Shina bungakugeijutsu ko, Tokyo: Kobundo,1943(Japanese to Chinese, will bepublished in2023)青木正児『支那文学芸術考』(弘文堂、1943)→青木正儿《中国文学艺术考》(浙江古籍美术出版社,willbe published in 2023)
Omura Seigai, ChizukoYoshida, Ryoko Goto, Seigai Chugoku ryoko nikki, Tokyo: YumaniShobo,2016. (Japanese to Chinese, will be published in2022)大村西崖著・吉田千鶴子編集・後藤亮子協力編集『大村西崖日記』(ゆまに書房、2016)→大村西崖《中国旅行日记》(中国美术学院出版社,willbe published in 2023)
Yuichi Hirako, GIFT YUICHIHIRAKO, Published by Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd. July2021(Japanese to Chinese)平子雄一『HIRAKOYUICHI GIFT』(カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ株式会社、2021年7月)→平子雄一《平子雄一・礼物》(文化便利俱乐部,2021年7月)
「『嶺南画派』と日本」[LingnanSchoolandmodern Japan].
アジア遊学近代中国美術の辺界 TheBorders of Modern Chinese Art
in Ajia yugaku, 269, Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan.2022.《新“文人畫”的理想構圖—20世紀30年代的黄山主題“國畫”》
[“TheIdeal Composition of Guohua: The Neo-“Literati painting” onthe
Subjectof Mount Huang in the 1930s China].美術大觀ArtPanorama,
Shengyang:Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House. No.9. 2021.「『文人画』概念による中国絵画史の形成—1930年頃の国民政府成立初期を中心に
[“Towards a Chinese ArtHistory: ‘Literati Painting’in the EarlyDays of the Nationalist Government”]. 東京藝術大学美術学部論叢Journalof the Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo: Tokyo University of the Arts.No.16. 2020.
[“TheOrigin and Development of ‘Literati Painting’
in ChinesePainting History] .鹿島美術財団年報
Tokyo:The KajimaFoundation for the Arts Annual Report,
Kajima Foundation for theArts. No. 36. 2018.「中華民国における「文人画」概念の受容—1920年代に批判対象から新たな国画の理想へ」
[“Acceptance of theconcept of ‘Literati Painting’ in the Republic of
China-from a target of criticism to the ideal of Guohua in the1920s”]. 近代画説
Kindai gasetsu, Tokyo:Association for the Study of Modern Japanese Art History.
No.27. December 2018.
근대 일본에있어 ‘문인화’ 개념의 생성[“TheCreation of the “Bunjinga”
Concept in Modern Japan”],Art History Forum, Seoul: Hanʾguk Misul Yŏnʾguso. No.46.2018. p.106-124「近代日本における「文人画」概念の構築」[“ModernJapan’s Construction of the Concept of Chinese ‘LiteratiPainting’”]. 近代画説Kindaigasetsu,
Tokyo:Association for the Study of Modern Japanese Art History. No. 25.
December 2016.
MajorResearch Projects
1. Project funded by the Kajima Foundationfor the Arts,中国美術史における「文人画」概念の由来と展開“TheOrigin and Development of ‘Literati Painting’ in Chinese PaintingHistory” , July 2018-July 2019, Project leader.
2.Project funded by Fuji Xerox Kobayashi Foundation,関西における「文人画」認識—内藤湖南・伊勢専一郎を中心に“ Construstionof Bungin-ga in the Kyoto circle: Focusing on Konan Naito andSenichiro Ise” , April 2018-April 2019, Project leader.
(IV)Award and Honor
2022|AsakazeAward, TokyoUniversity of the Arts, Tokyo
2021 - 2022 |AtsumiInternational Foundation Scholarship, Tokyo
2018 - 2019 |Kobayashi FundForeign Students Research Grant, Tokyo
2018 - 2018 |KajimaFoundation for the Arts Research Grant, Tokyo
2016 - 2018 |TokyuFoundation for Foreign Students Scholarship, Tokyo
2015 - 2016 |MEXTFellowship, Ministry of Education Tokyo University of the Arts,Tokyo
2013 |Kyoto Mayoral Award,Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto
2009 |Excellent ThesisAward, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing