Title: Associate Research Fellow
Education and Degree: PhD Drama, University of Exeter
Research Interests:
Contemporary theatre and performance
Performance and representation of cultural identities, migration and diaspora
Cross-cultural and cross-media adaptation
Courses Taught:
Courses for undergraduate students:
General education: theatre
Research Achievements
•East Asian Identities in Contemporary British Theatre: Contesting Exclusion, Palgrave Macmillan(forthcoming)
Hu, Z. (2022) ‘Journey to the West: Cross-media Adaptation of a Chinese Classic Tale’, in Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance, Volume 15, Numbers 1-2, pp. 95-111
Hu, Z. and Chen, L. (2022) ‘Between On and Off: Analytical Overview of British Theatre in 2020 and 2021’ in Drama-The Journal of The Central Academy of Drama, Issue 202, pp. 103-119
Hu, Z. and Chu, Y. (2023) ‘Analytical Overview of British Theatre in 2022’ in Drama-The Journal of The Central Academy of Drama, Issue 202, pp. 66-81
Hu, Z. (2023) ‘Cities, Temples, Pigeons: Experiencing ‘Bleeding’ in The Land’s Heart is Greater than Its Map’ in The Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts Quarterly, Q39, pp.12-15
Hu, Z. and Chu, Y. (2024) ‘Analytical Overview of British Theatre in 2023’ in Drama-The Journal of The Central Academy of Drama, Issue 206
Major Research Projects
Participant of “Contemporary Western Theories of Drama and Theatre”, Key Research Project in Arts, National Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, 2018-2022
Participant of “Fashion and British and American Feminism in the 20th Century” (19BSS006), funded by The National Social Science Fund of China”
Selected Conference Presentations
2017, ’On Creating All the Daughters of My Father’s House’, Women of the World Festival Exeter
2019,‘Forgotten: Languaging Acts for a Forgotten People’, Annual Conference of International Federation of Theatre Research, Shanghai
2019,‘Cross-Media Adaptations of a Chinese Classic Tale’, Looking Back, Stepping Forward, Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance Symposium
2024,‘Virtual Farmers, Unite Against Each Other!: Reinterpreting Stardew Valley through Live-Streamed Gaming Competition ’ , Psi #29 (Performance Studies International Annual Conference), London